
Introduction of the annual report and the Regional Director’s vision

Introduction to the annual report

Your Excellencies Ministers of Health and Heads of Delegations,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my honour and pleasure to present my report on WHO’s work in the Region.

The annual report publication that was shared with you provides extensive information about WHO’s activities and achievements during 2023.

It testifies to the hard work, dedication and tenacity of my revered predecessor, Dr Ahmed, and the fabulous team that I have inherited from him.

I commend the report to you.

In my speech today, I would like to focus on where we are now – and where we are going.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The past nine months have been an astonishing journey for me.

I am from this Region and I have always had a strong connection to it.

But I have come to know it so much better since I became WHO Regional Director.

And I love it so much more.

I have already visited 11 Member States and I am looking forward to visiting and meeting people in every remaining country – starting with Djibouti very soon.

Let me share what I have learned so far.

Inevitably, I have seen more heartbreak than I thought possible.

When I took office, my colleagues, family and friends congratulated me, but also warned me that I would have to face some harsh realities.

They were so right.

I still remember the shock I felt during my first visit to Sudan.

I met exhausted health workers struggling to save lives without basic supplies.

Anxious mothers with malnourished babies.

Despite our best

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