
Awards for outstanding contributions to public health to be presented at Seventy-seventh World …

30 May 2024, Geneva, Switzerland/Cairo, Egypt – Eight awards are to be presented at the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly to people and institutions from around the world for their outstanding contributions to public health in their countries and globally. Four of the awardees are from the Eastern Mediterranean Region.

A special awards ceremony will take place on 31 May 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Assembly President will hand out the awards alongside high-level representatives of the foundations providing the public health awards and prizes. WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will also attend the ceremony, as administrator of the prizes.

“I feel so proud to see 4 experts and institutions from the Eastern Mediterranean Region receive 4 of the 8 highly valued WHO awards,” said Dr Hanan Balkhy, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean. “This sends a strong message about how rich the Region is in talented, distinguished and knowledgeable people. The awardees’ expertise and achievements, across different health fields, show that we have human assets who contribute to the improvement of regional and global health.

“Heartfelt congratulations and a big thank you to Saudi Arabia’s National Death Registry System and to Dr Bader Al-Rawahi, Dr Ahmed Hamed Saif Al Wahaibi and Dr Jamila Taiseer Yasser Al Abri from Oman. You have made us all very proud and filled us with hope and determination.”

Regional winners of 2024 prizes

Dr LEE Jong-wook Memorial Prize for Public Health
2024 laureate: Dr Bader Al-Rawahi, Oman

Dr Bader Al-Rawahi leads a major public health programme

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