
NYT’s The Mini crossword answers for May 7

Closeup view of crossword puzzle clues

The Mini is a bite-sized version of The New York Times‘ revered daily crossword. While the crossword is a lengthier experience that requires both knowledge and patience to complete, The Mini is an entirely different vibe.

With only a handful of clues to answer, the daily puzzle doubles as a speed-running test for many who play it.

So, when a tricky clue disrupts a player’s flow, it can be frustrating! If you find yourself stumped playing The Mini — much like with Wordle and Connections — we have you covered.

Here are the clues and answers to NYT’s The Mini for Tuesday, May 7, 2024:


Part of an apple … or an Apple computer

  • The answer is core.

Path for a car

  • The answer is road.

Shy and easily frightened

  • The answer is timid.


  • The answer is imply.

“It’s … just OK”

  • The answer is meh.


True ___ (podcast genre)

  • The answer is crime.

Extra energy

  • The answer is oomph.

Path for a train that aptly crosses 5-Across

  • The answer is rail.

Whirlpool of water

  • The answer is eddy.

Tiny ___, little boy in “A Christmas Carol”

  • The answer is Tim.
